Graphical User Interface tools (GUI / HMI)
SpecView has some basic drawing tools for lines, rectangles, circles, polygons, etc.
These can be saved either individually or as groups of objects as 'Graphical Display Objects' (GDOs) to create a 'library' of GDOs for ease of reuse.
Pictures - either from photos, or graphics created in some other drawing software, can be displayed in the form of bitmap (.BMP) files.
SpecView also has some animation tools - Color Dynamics (to change the color of objects) and Position Dynamics (to move objects), these can be used together to good effect, and with SpecView's Strategy Controller.
It is possible to 'lock' a bitmap in position to prevent it being moved accidentally while in Edit Mode.
In addition ActiveX controls can be used in SpecView to enhance a graphical user interface, these are third-party controls such as Symbol Factory from Software Toolbox.This is an additional cost.
Other sets of ActiveX controls that can be purchased such as 'Instrumentation Studio for ActiveX' from Century Soar Technology Co. Ltd., see:
To add a control, it is necessary first to read the documentation provided with the ActiveX control about the specific control to be added.
Drag out a rectangular area for the ActiveX control.
Decide which parameters from SpecView need to be set as inputs and outputs and use SpecView's 'Link to Variables' menu item.
The ActiveX control itself may also need some setting up.
All of these features can be used together to make very elaborate and complex screens.
(C) 2023 SpecView Inc. & SpecView Ltd. Page Updated: 27 June 2024
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