Graphical User Interface tools (GUI / HMI)

SpecView uses 'Graphical Display Windows' (GDWs) that can be thought of as a 'screen' (or a 'page'). There can be as many of these as required. They can use the whole area of the monitor or have a specified size and position.

Screens can be open but not visible.

Live data on trend charts on all open screens, whether or not they are visible, is plotted at the rate specified in the 'Chart' tab of the Trend Chart Setup box.

Data on Trend Charts that are on screens that are closed will back-fill once the screen is opened.

Buttons can be used to navigate between the screens.

There also are a great many other functions that buttons can do.

Drawing tools are available to draw shapes, such as lines, rectangles, circles, polygons, etc. These can be saved either individually or as groups of objects as 'Graphical Display Objects' (GDOs) to create a 'library' of GDOs for ease of reuse.

SpecView also has some animation tools - Color Dynamics (to change the color/flash objects) and Position Dynamics (to move objects), these can be used together to good effect, and with SpecView's Strategy Controller.

Live values from instrumentation positioned on the screen will update according to their settings.

Instruments that are specified in SpecView have a pre-defined graphic that represents the 'face plate' of the instrument itself with functioning buttons. These are known as Instrument Views.

Data such as job numbers can be entered manually via data entry boxes.

It is also possible to put text, pictures and barcharts on screens.

Pictures - either from photos, or graphics (created using other drawing software), can be displayed in the form of bitmaps (.BMP) files. It is possible to 'lock' a bitmap in position to prevent it from being moved accidentally while in Edit Mode.

All of these features can be used together to create easily understandable and usable screen layouts for the operators.

Further functionality can be added to screens using ActiveX
Data can also be scanned in from a barcode scanner


(C) 2023 SpecView Inc.  & SpecView Ltd.  Page Updated: 07 January 2025

SCADA software for people with other jobs!
